
A final duty

A final duty

When my dad died in 2006, as family gathered around I was angrily adamant that his funeral should not become an educational resource as had happened with my Indian wedding. I firmly refused to have the celebrant distracted by the best way to explain the unfamiliar...

Diwali Eve

Diwali Eve

Here at Dignity Lifestyle, everyone is busy preparing for the festival of lights. The old folk seem in a more festive mood than usual and everyone is wishing everyone else a Happy Diwali. The air today was ominously silent, but the firework fest has started this...

Visiting my mum

For those who follow her progress, I can report that my mum seems to be well and thriving in her home in India. Although I had to explain who I was the first time we went to see her yesterday, she’s recognised me each time subsequently. I don’t think one could say...

A tour of the Sula Winery

Nashik has become the home of Indian wine, and Sula is its most famous and high-end brand. It’s intrigued me since I first tasted a glass of unexpectedly bone dry Sula Sauvignon last year that it is produced so near to the marital home of my (now late) Aunt. When my...

Ûbercool in Nashik

  I woke up in the middle of the night panicking about my singing diploma and its proximity in the middle of the night. Dan, if you're reading this please get in touch on the number I gave you. Also that, having set up...

A trip with my cousin 

A quick one tonight because I'm actually sitting on the (delayed) plane. This time I'm off to India with my cousin Vivien (known in the family as Winky.) She was talking about blogging her trip so we might get her started on Wordpress when we reach our destination. A...

Remover of Obstacles

It's been quite a mixed day. I managed to take my mum and a carer out for a drive around the locality today. I don't think that she gets out much, although I think sometimes her carers take her for a little walk. The festival of Ganesh, the God of Wisdom and Remover...

“Indian summer”

Oh dear. My sincere apologies for the tardiness of posting this. I did, in fact, write it yesterday but there appeared to be no internet connection last night, which was more than rather disappointing. Anyway better late than never, I suppose: [gallery...

Maharashtra in June

I’m writing this post on June 22nd 2015. I'd like to make that clear: I'm not going to be able to post this on time tonight and I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning. I've completely given up trying to...

A day in the countryside

A day in the countryside

For the first time in my seven trips here I spent a little time exploring the surrounding area. Here’s a gallery of my photos. Some are OK, others leave something to be desired.   I’m a little shy of...