I’m posting this link to the latest post from my blog to see if it will appear as a post if I do it like this. Direct postings have ended up in “Notes” Please bear with me. I’m just learning this.
Can you hear me?
In which I explain my disappearance and scrabble around shamelessly looking for my previous followers
Coming soon
This is MsAlliance Substack.
Statement: As the Liberal Democrats' London Assembly Candidate for the Boroughs of Bexley and Bromley, and now as the Liberal Democrats' candidate for the Shortlands Council seat I am subject to stringent electoral law. Anything one says as a candidate, particularly...
Festival fail
I should have known not to rush my Bromley Festival application, and I had the deadline in my diary months ago but of course it was a last-minute rush as everything seems to be these days. Everything has come at once and I had virtually no time to practise after I put...
This week's big news is my selection as the Liberal Democrats' Candidate for election to the Greater London Assembly (GLA), the body that holds the decisions of the Mayor of London to account. The election is on Thursday 2nd May and I am building my campaign wardrobe...
We have bought a second home in Norfolk. Yes, I have done all of the overthinking of course. I know that this sort of thing is frowned upon by Liberal Democrats and despised by others because, of course, far too many people don't even have a first home. I know about...
In sorrow and in anger
In the words of the great Dr Maya Angelou “Never whine. Whining lets a brute know that a victim is in the neighborhood.” I am using this space to vent tonight. Not many read this, even fewer since I lost most of my email subscribers, and those of you reading this will...