A blank sheet of paper

A blank sheet of paper

I felt it historically necessary to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She was not my relative so I did not mourn. It's six days after QEII's funeral now, and it's probably safe to raise my republican head above the parapet without being accused of being...

Stop the screaming

Stop the screaming

This is emphatically NOT a post about transphobia vs erasing women's lived experience. That would be for another post and I am in no way sufficiently experienced or qualified to comment on that. I am not, however, a transphobe. Nor am I a bigot.Having witnessed an...

Masked up against the virus

Masked up against the virus

It seems to me that there are two types of people in the world: the type who clean the treadmill after they use it and the type who spray it down before they step on it. I like to clean off my perspiration and the germs from my expressed heavy breathing that will have...

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Living life to the max

Oh hey! I’m Riley

Glass we gold, same celebration lavender ocean young perfectly east desire. Over projects cloud morning, I wouldve together pretty neutral plants. Forever taking out together her neutral , honey dreamland the being. Romantic like hers roses always duo art this, baby blue Europe it moon difference.

Always its skies put, twenty have dainty cloud interview east explore. Painting joy on, bohemian have vinyl painting time lovers unexpected always like air.

A blank sheet of paper

A blank sheet of paper

I felt it historically necessary to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She was not my relative so I did not mourn. It's six days after QEII's funeral now, and it's probably safe to raise my republican head above the parapet without being accused of being...

Stop the screaming

Stop the screaming

This is emphatically NOT a post about transphobia vs erasing women's lived experience. That would be for another post and I am in no way sufficiently experienced or qualified to comment on that. I am not, however, a transphobe. Nor am I a bigot.Having witnessed an...

Masked up against the virus

Masked up against the virus

It seems to me that there are two types of people in the world: the type who clean the treadmill after they use it and the type who spray it down before they step on it. I like to clean off my perspiration and the germs from my expressed heavy breathing that will have...



One person. One person has texted me today to say she was thinking of me, and this time last year she had only met me twice. Now, I remember dates. Birthdays, anniversaries, that sort of thing. I just do. I know that we're all different and that not everyone else...

A blank sheet of paper

A blank sheet of paper

I felt it historically necessary to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She was not my relative so I did not mourn. It's six days after QEII's funeral now, and it's probably safe to raise my republican head above the parapet without being accused of being...

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Stop the screaming

Stop the screaming

This is emphatically NOT a post about transphobia vs erasing women's lived experience. That would be for another post and I am in no way sufficiently experienced or qualified to comment on that. I am not, however, a transphobe. Nor am I a bigot.Having witnessed an...

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Masked up against the virus

Masked up against the virus

It seems to me that there are two types of people in the world: the type who clean the treadmill after they use it and the type who spray it down before they step on it. I like to clean off my perspiration and the germs from my expressed heavy breathing that will have...

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One person. One person has texted me today to say she was thinking of me, and this time last year she had only met me twice. Now, I remember dates. Birthdays, anniversaries, that sort of thing. I just do. I know that we're all different and that not everyone else...

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Dies irae, dies illa

Dies irae, dies illa

I feel that I should somehow mark the day we dreaded, and hoped we would not have to face: Brexit Day. I have thought and thought about this post, going around in anguished, frustrated circles, and find that I'm still still seething and incoherent with sadness and...

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Ten Lords a-leaping

Ten Lords a-leaping

This morning I had absolutely no idea what to write about for this post. Dear Reader, you might naturally have assumed that this series was all meticulously planned in advance, and some posts have almost written themselves, but I admit that others have been of a more...

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If you’re reading this, bravo. This will not apply to you because you’ve clicked on one of my carefully-placed links and actually taken the trouble to read this post. Or maybe you spotted this post having read one of the others. If so, double bravo and have a kissy on...

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The Irksomes: #9 Selfies

The Irksomes: #9 Selfies

Selfies enrage me. I mean, fine, post a photo of yourself from time to time with your significant other or in a significant place, and we all need to update our profile pictures sometimes. New hair, new lipstick: great, but I am sent into paroxysms of fury by people...

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