Quarantine diary – Day 12

Are these posts becoming tedious yet?

I wake up feeling a little lonely and abandoned. Everyone else is busy and getting on with their lives. Of course I’m trying hard to fill my days with purpose but there’s no getting away from the fact that the Helath Department’s PCR test swabbing visits are the only face to face human contact I have. Oh well, not long now. And at least it’s 14 days and not 21. I think I might probably feel better if I weren’t under pressure to learn the B Minor Mass to a decent standard by next week. I’m getting there, but it’s a slow process.

Doing another Latin dance workout cheers me up immensely though, sand I’m starting to be a little more familiar with the moves. That subscription to Fitness+ has already proved itself and I expect I’ll feel the result of the Core training tomorrow morning.

It is with some relief that I realise that I don’t have to do any more washing and have enough clothes to last to the end of my stay – if they fit me by then, what with all of the sustaining comfort food I’ve been eating. I’ve been washing mainly workout gear and underwear before realising that all I need to wear is a t shirt and some trousers. No need for underwear because no-one will see me. I did initially envisage wafting around in pyjamas for the whole day but I think changing clothes does give some structure to the day.

This time the person administering my PCR test is much more savage than on Monday, and jabs away at my tonsil area until I gag several times. At one point I think I’m going to throw up. That will, I hope, be the last one of this quarantine stay, but I go online to book the next one at a Community Testing Centre on day 16 – Monday. There will be two more after this, on days 19 and 26 and then I’m done.


  1. Sarah

    My that’s a lot of PCR tests. What happens to the poor people who test positive? (Not you obvs) Do they remain in the hotel or get carted off elsewhere?

    • msalliance

      Straight to hospital. Minimum 24 days.

      • Sarah

        Only two more days for you though. I will miss these posts but will be delighted to see you get out xx

      • msalliance

        They are getting a little dull now. Not much to write about.

  2. Roderick Cooper

    Glorious B Minor Mass and hot Latin dancing work-outs should be enough to keep anyone occupied during a long quarantine. I count the cornflakes in my bowl and then there’s only 15 hours to go.

    • msalliance

      That’s not many cornflakes.

      • Anonymous

        Cornflakes count undew investigation anyway as I( had added a few Rice rispies,.

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