Two sides of the same coin

by | Mar 14, 2021

These two scenes are taking place about 200m away from each other, on each side of the DB Plaza building today.

We have had another surge of Covid-19 infections here this weekend. Nicknamed by some the ExpatWave, it consists mainly of people who visited the URSUS gym in town and their contacts, who include schoolchildren, lawyers, teachers and, yes, bankers including some in J’s building.

If there is a single case in a residential building, all inhabitants of that building are required to be tested for the virus within 48 hours or face a heavy fine. A lot of the city’s prime Mid Levels real estate is under these measures this weekend, as well as one couple who live here in DB. A mobile testing station for residents of their building was set up last night.

On the other side of the DB Plaza building, the monthly market recommenced for the first time in a year. Stalls were less closely packed together than before Covid, it’s true, but people were largely milling around as if there were no raging global pandemic.

Some might say that the mandatory lockdown, testing and outdoor mask wearing rules in HK are too rigid, and I still think that a three week hotel room quarantine is a bit over the top but the fact is that the self-discipline and community spirit of Hong Kongers in complying with the rules means that life here is normal but with masks.


  1. Sarah Young

    Great juxtaposition in the photo.
    I’m glad that HK is doing so well.

    • msalliance

      It IS doing well, yes, and maybe it’s really complacent to say so but so many small and large businesses have been sacrificed and we’re stuck here and unable to travel – one of the biggest attractions of being here – because of this 3 week quarantine. I understand why they’re doing it but three weeks in a hotel room with windows which usually don’t open is a lot. It feels like a sledgehammer/nut situation, particularly as people coming from some countries like the UK are banned completely. The 2 week home quarantine I did was fine. I know that that isn’t suitable for everyone but I think there’s probably room for more flexibility. It currently feels like this is being used to support suffering sectors like hotels and no-one is talking about a “roadmap” for even easing it.


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