Mask proof lipstick?

by | Mar 10, 2021

We’re all wearing masks now. I’m commencing a quest to find the lipstick that doesn’t end up smudging itself all around your face under your mask so that you end up looking like The Joker. All contributions gladly received.

Well, yes, I know that wearing a mask all day means that no-one can see your lipstick and if you’re not going to be able to remove your mask until your return home then there’s little point wearing any lipstick at all. (Yes, yes I know. Plenty of women don’t. #SmashThe Patriarchy etc. I’ve heard the stuff about the Lipstick Index now being obsolete. But there are those days, the days when you know it doesn’t make sense but you want to be reassured that it’s there. Like wearing your La Perla under your leggings and T shirt. YOU know you’re wearing it and that’s what counts.

And here in HK we remove our masks to eat lunch or have a coffee with a mate. If you decide you’re going to wear your lipstick as your personal anthem, it’s good to know which ones aren’t going to have travelled and reveal their findings when you remove your mask for afternoon tea at the Mandarin Oriental. You don’t want to find that your Pat McGrath Mattetrance Guinevere has left you looking like you’ve just been in a blackcurrant cheesecake eating competition – no paws allowed – with a golden retriever. (You needn’t ask how I know this.)

I have decided to try liquid lipsticks instead. Though Eliza uses them all the time I’ve normally found them quite drying. Pat McGrath Labs launched a new LiquiLust Lipstick range this week so I decided to order it in the shade Divine Rose.

It’s a bit too pinky a nude for me, really, but quite innocuous and a good dupe for Charlotte Tilbury’s Bond Girl, now renamed MI Kiss in the name of feminism, presumably. They always look pinker against my skin. (The former Walk of Shame has now become Walk of No Shame for the same reason apparently which, in my view, robs it of its delicious naughtiness but what do I know 🤷🏽‍♀️?)

Anyway, once set, this lasted pretty well and didn’t dry my lips at all. The gratuitous photo up there 🔼 is of me after I’d run for 50 mins on the treadmill with it on. Not that you’d wear lipstick at the gym especially under your mask but it’s good to have the option, right?

There was a little bit of smudging on my mask filter and a tiny bit around my mouth after I’d been out to lunch and coffee, but nothing too incriminating. I’m going to order a darker colour and see where that takes me. Watch this post.


What do you think? Let me know!

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