It’s taken me so loooooong to get around to doing this because October was a DULL month weather-wise (and otherwise) here. 

It’s cooled down a bit but largely, without any relief in the form of travel temps, to a monotony of orange and pink, broken only a couple of times by days hotter than 30C. The red stripe is quite pretty I think. 

The days themselves were quite monotonous too. Hong Kong was still being cautious about social-distancing and I was trying my very best to speed-learn the B Minor Mass which we now will not be performing in a couple of weeks’ time.

I also started on the Havana blanket project, which is a bit more exciting, to be honest. So much so that I got distracted at the end of the month and did two pinks and two oranges together instead of alternating the rows. What larks.

This blanket is already very, very long and quite heavy with 5 months of it left to knit. I’m wondering where on earth I’m going to put it.