Nothing lasts forever, I know that. But, having paid £425 for the Next Best Thing in nanocurrent skincare (as marketed and editorialised in so many of the glossies over the last couple of years) I would have expected my Ziip to last longer than this.

I bought my original Ziip nanocurrent device in July 2017 to deal with hyperpigmentation and general ageing. For those not in the know, it connects via Bluetooth to an iPhone app that provides electrical  treatment “cocktails” that feed nanocurrent directly into the skin to address all sorts of skin issues from Acne to Sagging.

I should mention here that Ziip has to be used with its own consumables: a can of Ziip Golden Gel costs more than £100 and lasted me about 4 months but the Silver Gel which was offered more recently was half that price. That thing about the fool and her money. I know. I can see you wagging your finger at me.

My first machine gave up the ghost on charging nine months after I bought it. I went through this problem with quite a few of my electricals at that time – did I mention that I’m a sucker for gadgets? I buy so that you don’t have to – and I was starting to think it was a a personal anti-gestational issue. I sent the first device back to the one overworked customer services person at the time in their California office but it got lost in the post along the way so they replaced the whole machine, which has worked perfectly since then.

In the last few months, however, I’ve noticed a build up of some sort of corrosion on one of the electrodes, despite cleaning it as the company recommends after every use. Maybe it’s partly because of the high humidity here in Hong Kong but the  corrosion and erosion of the electrode has now become so bad that it’s started to scratch my skin when I use it. At first it was only a little patch so, brave soldier that I am, I tried to ignore it but now it’s got so bad that it’s unusable so, sadly, in the bin it goes.

Did it work? Well, I used my Ziip religiously every day for two years around my eyes and still ended up purchasing Dr Dennis Gross’s LED device. I’ve noticed very little, if any, fading of my hyperpigmentation and if there has been any improvement in my sagging jowls, it’s been marginal and minuscule. Of course, it’s impossible to prove a negative and now that I’ve stopped using the machine, all of these will probably deteriorate remarkably overnight.

I won’t be replacing the Ziip and if you’re considering buying one I would suggest you keep hold of your cash.