If you’re reading this, bravo. This will not apply to you because you’ve clicked on one of my carefully-placed links and actually taken the trouble to read this post. Or maybe you spotted this post having read one of the others. If so, double bravo and have a kissy on the nose.

It really irks me when close friends and family don’t read my blog. Of course it’s quite possible to miss posts. Possible but unlikely and not very caring. Some people aren’t technically literate enough to use their finger to click on a link I’ve provided on Twitter or Facebook. Some find it hard to sign up for emails when I publish a new post. No idea why but they do.

It’s annoying when people ask me where I’ve been or what I’ve been doing lately, for example, when it’s all right there for them, with copious photos, on my carefully-curated site. Or if I refer to a carefully-written blog post and they reply with a look of complete blankness. Why would you not check up on a mate from time to time if you can do so anonymously at your leisure? It’s not as if I’m writing a magical realist 10,000 word essay with each post, after all, is it? I’m not going to test you on your knowledge of me but it would be nice if you showed a bit of interest.

If you never read my blog it gives me a strong signal that you don’t really care much about the minutiae of my thoughts, which is fine from most of humanity but it’s not really the attitude you’d expect from a long standing mate or family person, especially since I’ve had to move my life 6,000 miles away, and it hurts a bit. And there are previous avid readers of my thoughts who no longer do. It makes me wonder why. I know I’m a chronic overthinker But it does make me think that they no longer care. 

And I’m not asking that you wait with bated breath, fingers impatiently thrumming, for my latest missive to drop in to your email inbox, though there are some people who take the trouble to like or comment on every post except the ones which just don’t interest them, and that’s fine too. They can have a hug. Conversely, I’m always delighted and astounded when someone I wouldn’t generally regard to be in my inner circle of friends says that they follow and enjoy my words, and this has come from the most surprising quarters.

So why do people who are supposed to care simply not bother? Maybe they think they know everything there is to know about what’s going on with me. Ironically it’s the people who take the trouble to read my stuff who actually know more and feel closer. I mean, if I’m fond of someone or close to them, I do everything I can to find out how they’re doing from time to time, what’s going on with them. Doesn’t everyone do this when they care about someone?

I’ve mulled this passive aggressive post for months, possibly years. Should I write it and appear needy? Should I turn the other cheek and seethe? After all it’s perfectly OK for people to choose not to read my blog. They’re busy; they might not be interested in the subject, it’s all possible. 

I guess it’s a case of wanting to be heard. My blog is my voice. Is it really so onerous to listen to me?